A Growing Conversation
What’s the buzz about church-planting movements? Since the 1990s missionaries have been tracking the emergence of modern church-planting movements. They are really not new. From the early church in the book of Acts, to the Moravians and the Methodists, to the Naga of India, history has been peppered with large movements of people coming to Christ. Amazingly, in the last 25 years we have seen the rapid emergence of hundreds of these movements worldwide, often in places most resistant to the gospel.
Beyond, a global missions agency in the 24:14 Community, has put together this excellent video explaining church-planting movements.
What is a CPM / DMM Movement Approach?
There is awareness that only God can start movements, but disciples can follow biblical principles to pray, plant, and water the seeds that can lead to a book of Acts type multiplying movement(s).
The focus is to make every follower of Christ a reproducing disciple rather than merely a convert.
Patterns create frequent and regular accountability for both obeying what the Lord is speaking to each person and for them to pass it on to others in a loving environment. This requires a participative small-group approach.
Each disciple is equipped in comprehensive ways (such as interpreting and applying Scripture, a well-rounded prayer life, functioning as a part of the larger Body of Christ, and responding well to persecution/suffering) in order that they might function not merely as consumers, but as active agents of Kingdom advance.
Each disciple is given a vision both for reaching their relational network and for extending the Kingdom to the ends of the earth with a prioritization on the darkest places (with a “no place left” mentality). They are equipped to be able to minister and partner with others in the Body of Christ in both of these environments.
Reproducing churches are intentionally formed as a part of the multiplying disciples process. The intent in CPM/DMM approaches is that 1) disciples, 2) churches, 3) leaders and 4) movements can multiply endlessly by the power of the Spirit.
Emphasis is not on the specific model of CPM/DMM used (e.g. T4T, DBS, Zume, 4 Fields, etc.) but on the underlying biblical principles of multiplying kingdom movements.
What is the Task?
When we understand the task of the Great Commission, we see why investing our time and resources in Biblical multiplication-style ministry is so important.
What is the task of world missions? Why is it important? 24:14 partner organization Beyond shares with us the importance of engaging this vital task.
What is the state of the global task? How far have we come? How much more do we have to go? Global Frontier Missions unpacks the state of the Great Commission in a compelling visual way.
Why should we focus on peoples we may never have heard of before? Global Frontier Missions helps us understand why we should focus on unreached people groups that don’t have a gospel witness among them.
Frontier People Groups are the last remaining missional challenge. This video from Telos Fellowship helps us focus on reaching these peoples.
Global Movement Overview and the 24:14 Vision
Through painstaking research and data gathering within the 24:14 Community, we have for the first time a global picture of movement progress. Click here to see the most recent report.